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Oral Testosterone

For anyone who has ever heard of anabolic steroids and wants to use them for the first time, Testosterone always comes up, because it is the only hormone that will make a man stronger and more masculine.

This testosterone, which is present in almost every cycle, is indispensable for cycles, but it is always available in injection form. Some athletes are looking for tablet testosterone because they are afraid of injections, they do not know how to inject, or injections are inconvenient, but there are not many products on the market in tablet form, or in other words oral testosterone. Before explaining the reason for this, let's explain it by learning the term bioavailability.

In pharmacology, bioavailability is one of the main pharmacokinetic properties of drugs and is used to indicate the proportion of the amount of drug administered that passes into the systemic circulation. By definition, we can say that the bioavailability of a drug given intravenously is 100%. However, when the drug is administered by other routes (e.g. orally) its bioavailability decreases due to incomplete absorption and first pass effects. In short, it is the percentage of the efficiency we will get from the drug according to the way the drug enters our body.

In the light of this information, I think you can more or less understand why there is no oral testosterone on the market, testosterones used orally or as gels are very low in efficiency and are both costly and inferior to injections for sports use. However, many people use a variety of testosterone replacement therapies such as virigen, methyltestosterone, testogel, proviron, etc.

Brand: Roid Plus
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient: Methyl Testosterone, Testosterone tabletPack:30 tabs. [25mg/tab]FormOral..
Ex Tax:$19
Active Substance: Methyl TestosteronePack: 60 tabs. [25mg/tab]..
Ex Tax:$60
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