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Where can you inject steroids into your body?

Injectable steroids are the most common way to stimulate hormone growth in the body. In the medical or pharmaceutical world, these steroids are mostly administered when a person is experiencing severe pain due to inflammatory reactions in the body. In the world of sports, these injectable steroids are known as performance-enhancing drugs and are taken solely for achieving massive muscle growth and size. Regardless of how they are referred to in other industries, they are simply growth hormones that naturally occur in a mature, healthy individual.

Although injecting steroids into veins is not considered the best method of steroid intake, healthcare professionals may sometimes administer intravenous steroid injections to induce a quick anti-inflammatory effect.

Where do bodybuilders inject steroids?

Most steroids taken outside the medical field are recommended by bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts who aim to build massive bodies and muscle mass. These steroids can help them achieve their goals and look like superheroes with massive deltoids, chests, arms, and backs. These steroids are primarily administered through anabolic injections. Athletes often purchase steroids over the counter, and if these anabolic substances are illegal in their region, they may order them online. They usually inject steroids into their system by administering shots to:

  • Thighs

  • Deltoids

  • Buttocks

  • Upper arms

  • Shoulders

Apart from injecting into various muscle groups, they can also be injected into tendons and joints. As these anabolic shots are very potent by their nature, it is crucial not to self-administer them intravenously, as it can trigger undesired reactions in your bloodstream and lead to serious health crises.

Improper Steroid Injection

Most European countries do not have prescription laws for the purchase and sale of these steroids. You cannot simply go to a pharmacy and request steroids to inject yourself. When injected improperly, they can have adverse side effects such as:

  • Muscle sensitivity

  • Swelling and pain

  • Impaired or prolonged muscle movement

  • Damaging a vein when taken intravenously

  • Partial paralysis

  • Cardiac arrest

We still observe an upward trend in the sale of injectable steroids, which can be attributed to the development of the bodybuilding sport over time.